Benthin Technology GmbH
Osterstader Str. 16
D-27572 Bremerhaven
T +49 (0) 471 79 84 190
F +49 (0) 471 79 84 3 190
PT 600 Profile punching table
Punching and cutting the masking profiles.
- Article: 98000009
- A device for punching holes of 20 mm and 22 mm in Pleated Blinds profiles. Punching hole diameter of 6 mm for the cord lug, cord winder and chain drive.
- Max. possible cutting length of profiles 3200 mm.
- 4 Pleated Blinds profiles and 2 masking profiles can be punched in one working step simultaneously, thus providing exactly the same hole positioning in all profiles of one blind.
- Four devices for bearing the masking profile rolls guarantee fast changes in colour.
- Manual towing trolley for placing the profiles in the punch.
- The punching and cutting stroke are triggered at the towing trolley.
- Fastening the profiles, fixing the towing trolley and punching are carried out pneumatically.
- Sliding stops for a fast positioning of the towing trolley when repeated lengths have to be cut.
- The positions of the profiles relative to the punch can be read off on a digital display or on a measuring tape.
- Technical Specifications:
- Connection: pneumatic 7.0 bar, electrical 230 V AC / 50-60 Hz
- Machine dimensions: 1427 mm x 6250 mm x 647 mm (H x W x D)
- Weight: 160 kg
- Warranty: 12 months